Sunday 29 March 2009


Megan had her first sleepover this weekend. Holly and Grace came to stay. We had a fun time and the girls were super helpful. They all slept in Megan's room and were well behaved. Gracie has a new name for Megan, she now calls her Twinkle-toes. Holly makes Megan crack up laughing with her funny noises. It's all very cute to watch!

Wednesday 25 March 2009

Megan's Skills

The skills Megan has mastered in last seven months of life....
Breastfeeding & bottle feeding
Sucking on her soother & keeping it in
Pooping and popping off - a lot!
Holding her own head up
Smiling, and then laughing
Rolling over, and then sitting
Eating solid food from a spoon
Managing to eat finger foods
Coughing to get attention and when that doesn't work crying to get what she wants!
Training Mummy, Daddy (and nanny) to respond to her attention techniques
Pulling hair
Slapping Mummy's skin
Grabbing for nanny's and mummy's necklaces
Cutting two teeth (so far)
Drinking from a sippy cup
Sitting up on her own
Reaching forward for her toys and passing from one hand to the other

Bouncing in her jumperoo

Saturday 14 March 2009

7 Months Old

Megan is 7 months old today and it was also her first time on the swings at one of our local parks... She loved it!

Wednesday 11 March 2009

Megan Sits Up On Her Own!

Look how clever Megan is, she can now sit up on her own with very little nose diving! It was only a few days ago that she could manage 20 seconds on her own and then fall to the side, now she can sit up, reach forward for her toys and balls and almost correct herself if she gets a bit lop-sided! Our super amazing baby girl :)

Tuesday 10 March 2009

Two Teeth and Counting....

It has only been a matter of days since Megan's first tooth appeared and the runny nose started that the second tooth has just broken through. So Megan is the proud owner of two lovely little front bottom teeth.... It seems that the pain has subsided and our bubba is now sleeping through the night again (thank the lord, cause I am not sure I could have taken anymore broken sleep!). It is now a waiting game for the next round.

Thursday 5 March 2009

Growth Spurt

We cannot believe how our little girl has grown so big.... Megan was weighed on Monday and now weighs a whopping 16.5lbs a great arm and back work out for mummy!

Tuesday 3 March 2009

Megan Loves Her Food

We are now at second stage weaning which means Megan's food is no longer puree smooth but now has lumps in! Her favourite seems to be cauliflower cheese, pasta stars with tomato & garlic sauce, vegetable stew and fromage frais. But she really doesn't like bananas, melon or swede!

Sunday 1 March 2009

Megan's First Tooth

Well our little girl has just cut her first tooth at 6 months and 2 weeks (and don't we know it!) actually the second bottom tooth has just cut through too so she has had double the pain, poor Meggie. And poor mummy, who hasn't had much sleep for the last couple of nights, Lee has escaped to Dubai this week so he has managed to catch up on some missed zzzzzzzz! It's amazing how you can get used to sleep again once your baby learns to sleep through the night, and when she doesn't boy it hits hard!